If you have a known history of cold sores, also known as fever blisters, it is YOUR responsibility to take an oral anti-viral (Acyclovir, Zovirax, or Valtrex) as advised and prescribed by your medical physician or over-the-counter purchases to prevent cold sores, herpes, or fever blisters outbreak. 


MOISTURIZE your lips using a thick lip mask or balm starting from the day you book your appointment leading up to the day of your appointment. 

EXFOLIATE your lips with a lip scrub or toothbrush 2 days before your appointment to get rid of dead skin. If you come in with dry or crusted lips, you will be sent home. Dry lips cannot be tattooed as it will lead to more sensitivity and poor retention. 

HYDRATE by drinking at least a liter of water per day, starting on the day you book your appointment up to the day of your appointment. This is especially important if you have dry skin. 

Additionally, please AVOID the following:


  • NO Caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas, pre-workout drinks, caffeine patches, etc)

  • NO Alcohol

  • NO Fish oil, Vitamin E, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, painkillers, all blood thinning medications.

  • NO Illicit drugs

  • NO Nicotine or marijuana before appointment time.

  • NO Working out or activities that produces excessive sweating.

— If you show up on your appointment date with a condition that goes against the PRE-CARE instructions, you risk being sent home and forfeiting your deposit. —


  • NO tanning or major sun exposure.

  • NO facial procedures (electrolysis, mud masks, hydra facials, skin-needling, microdermabrasion, etc)

  • NO tweezing, threading, shaving, waxing, tinting, bleaching, henna, or laser treatments.


  • NO botox or fillers (including Hyaluron pen needle-less filler)

  • NO cosmetic procedures or surgeries.





You may experience tenderness, swelling, or bruising immediately following the procedure. It is possible to experience a white halo effect to the lip due to the numbing anesthetics, which will subside within a couple hours.


  1. Use the sterile water wipes provided in your aftercare kit to gently DAB away any lymph fluids surfacing onto the lip. Use a light DABBING motion, no wiping. If you avoid this step, the lymph fluid will create scabs on the lip which is NOT ideal for healing.

  2. After dabbing away all lymph, use the provided q tips to gently apply the AFTERS INKED/A&D. Again, use a dabbing motion and not swiping. This is especially important when they start peeling, as you do not want to prematurely flake off the peeling lips.

  3. Do this every hour up until bedtime. Do NOT let your lips go dry, and do not use your fingers to apply the ointment.

  4. DO NOT touch procedure site with bare fingers, regardless of presumed cleanliness to avoid the transfer of bacteria to open wound.


CONTINUE to use the remaining sterile water wipes (if left over), and constantly apply the provided ointment. Anytime the lips start to feel dry, pat clean with the sterile water wipes or a fresh napkin and apply ointment. It is extremely important to keep the lips clean and moisturized at all times! (7 days)


  • DO NOT smoke (AT LEAST 1-2 days)

  • EAT IN SMALLER BITES, and use a clean napkin to dab off any food/sauces (AT LEAST 3 days)

  • ONLY use clean straws when drinking any fluids. This includes water. If you are a tea or coffee drinker, let it cool to the side before sipping through the straw. (7 days)

  • DO NOT scratch, rub, pick, lick, bite, or traumatize the lip area. Let everything exfoliate naturally (7 days)

  • DO NOT kiss or engage in oral sex (7 days)

  • DO NOT kiss or hold any animals around the face area (at least 7 days)

  • DO NOT apply makeup over the healing lips like lipsticks, lip liners, chapsticks, lip balms, lip scrubs, etc. ONLY use the provided ointment (at least 7 days)

  • DO NOT tint, bleach, pluck, thread, or wax the lip area during healing time (at least 7 days)

  • DO NOT use products that contain aloe vera or Vitamin E during healing process (at least 7 days)

  • DO NOT engage in activities that result in sweat including, but not limited to: sunbathing, yoga or hot yoga, steam saunas, heavy lifting, cardio, etc. (at least 7 days)

  • DO NOT expose your lips to any bodies of water like chlorinated swimming pools, lakes, beaches, even baths or showers. When showering, try to avoid the lip area as much as possible

    (at least 7 days).

  • DO NOT engage in gardening activities (at least 7 days)


  • DO NOT receive any mud masks, microdermabrasion procedures, or any other facial treatments (at least 4 weeks)

  • DO NOT engage in long periods of time under direct sunlight or major sun exposure (at least 4 weeks)

  • DO NOT receive Botox or lip fillers (at least 4 weeks)

  • DO NOT donate blood (at least 1 year, per Red Cross).

  • DO NOT use products that contain AHA’s on or near lips including, but not limited to: glycolic or lactic acids and Retin A products, acne treatments, or anti-aging products, on or around the lip area, These products cause tattoos to lighten. which may result in poor color retention.